
Trailer Cage Covers and Jockey Wheels: What Every Trailer Owner Needs to Know

Since trailers are used in different terrains and weather conditions, it is vital to choose trailer parts that are suitable and dependable for certain conditions in the Australian environment. Moreover, for your trailer to function correctly, the parts that come with it must be maintained and regularly monitored for replacement if required. 

Trailer cage covers and jockey wheels are two of the most crucial parts. While they may go unnoticed, they play a pivotal role in a trailer’s overall safety, usefulness, and convenience. The following information explores the significance of understanding these components and how they can enhance your trailer experience: 

Understanding Trailer Cage Covers

A trailer cage cover is crucial in improving the utility and protection of trailers. It is designed to safeguard the contents inside the trailer from drastic weather conditions, theft, and damage during transportation and help block potential degradation of the cargo. They can also retain the security and integrity of the trailer’s content, guaranteeing that valuable products stay safe during transit.

Benefits of Cage Covers

Trailer cage covers provide several advantages for trailer owners. For instance, they protect cargo from elements like rain or wind, avoiding damage or spoilage. They also improve security by covering and securing items, deterring theft and vandalism. Using cage covers also aids in containing cargo, ensuring belongings do not fall out or shift during transportation. 

The Importance of Jockey Wheels

Jockey wheels significantly improve the manoeuvrability and convenience of your trailer. These additions help trailer owners move and position their trailers more effortlessly, minimising physical effort and increasing stability during loading and unloading. Jockey wheels are a must-have for anybody wishing to optimise their trailer operations while ensuring safe and easy hauling.

Smooth Jockey Wheel or Ribbed Jockey Wheel?

When choosing between a smooth or ribbed jockey wheel, there are certain factors you need to consider, including: 

Terrain and Surface

  • Smooth jockey wheels operate effectively on flat and hard surfaces like pavement. 
  • Ribbed or serrated jockey wheels provide better traction and suit uneven or softer terrains like gravel or grass. Ribbed or serrated jockey wheels offer optimal traction and are fit for uneven or softer terrains, such as grass or gravel. 

Load Capacity

Consider the trailer’s weight and dimensions. Ribbed or serrated wheels may provide better stability and load capacity for larger trailers than smooth jockey wheels. The enhanced traction the ribbed or serrated design provides improves stability and weight distribution, making them suitable for larger trailers. This higher load capacity becomes handy when dealing with heavy cargo or towing heavier loads. 

Stability and Control

  • Smooth wheels are easier to manoeuvre but may lack traction on slippery surfaces.
  • Ribbed or serrated wheels offer enhanced grip and control, especially when navigating challenging or inclining terrains.

If you are ready to buy high-quality trailer parts, Trailers 2000 Parts offers a variety to meet your needs. Contact them here for more information.