Why Should You Avoid Too Dark Window Tints on Your Vehicle?

Why should you avoid too dark window tints on your vehicle? Besides adding aesthetic value, window tints can also hinder your driving ability. These tints increase the risk of traffic accidents, attract law enforcement attention, and increase your insurance rates. In addition, they can result in expensive fines if you drive in an area where they are not allowed.

The main reason to avoid putting too dark a window tint on your vehicle is safety. Many states have laws that limit the amount of light that can be transmitted through windows. Those laws are made to protect the public’s safety. Moreover, window tints can make it difficult for police to see the drivers inside the vehicle. The tinted windows also protect the interior from fading.

While some states have strict requirements, others have no such regulations. In California, the tint on the front side windows must be at least seventy percent. This means that 70 percent of the available light will pass through. Similarly, in Arizona, the tint on the back windows can be any shade of darkness. If you want to have a dark window tint on your vehicle, you should check out the requirements before choosing the window film.

Besides being unattractive to the eyes of the public, too dark window tints can impede law enforcement personnel. Officers cannot see through a darkly tinted window. As such, officers may be unable to identify the drivers and passengers. The dark tint also makes it hard for rescue workers to assess the condition of the vehicle.

See the infographic from Global Tint UK for more info about Window Tinting Edinburgh and Window Tinting Leicester.